Hi! I’m Pedro, a software developer with over 10 years of experience in the field. In that time I have worked in many positions, including backend, frontend, fullstack web developer, and project leader.
Over the years I have also worked with many programming languages and technologies including C#, Java, PHP, Javascript and many others.
In recent years I have switched to focus on R and Shiny, taking part in delivering dozens of projects using those technologies.
As an Open Source enthusiast I have also been active in open source for a few years, specially when it comes to packages and showcase applications for R and Shiny.
Given my extensive past work on web development, and its overlap with the R/Shiny world, I also author and release my own R and Shiny packages, trying to bring some of that web development experience into the Shiny world when possive.
I have also taken part a few presentations, workshops and webinars in diferent conferences and events.
Recently you could find me in rconf:2020 and rconf:global organized by RStudio, as well as in some online workshops and webinnars, usually revolving around the topics of R/Shiny, UI/UX or Web Development.